Finding a Dead Body

by - July 19, 2010


Things that you see on TV or in Movies rarely happens to you unless you live in a place where these events usually happens. But as for me and Mika, a horror story kind of scenario happened. This is how it started. One of our tenant from the second floor, #12, knocked on our door expressing to us that he good friend and neighbor #11 has not been answering his calls or knocks at his door. So he was worried about him. Mika and I went to his apartment and knocked on his door. When there was no answer, we opened it up and noticed every light was on and his AC unit. We look around and didn't see anyone. I walked towards the room and notice something on the floor. From my view it looked like a big pile of dirty clothes. And then as I went closer into the room, I saw thick legs on the ground and started to leave the room. That's when Mika went into the tenants bedroom and didn't notice the body at first until he walked up to the body. We both freaked out and walked out the door really fast. Mika called 911 and told them what we found. About an hour later they came to check and take the body to the morgue. But the gross thing about this was that they had to drag the body because it was bloated and he was a big guy. As they were dragging his body, some of the bio in his body leaked out on the carpet, so it really smells bad. The cop said that they had to scrape his body off the carpet because it was melted onto it. My stomach was turning when he told me that and the smell of decomposition in the building. I had to open up the hallway windows and the doors to air out the building. One of the other tenant came home from work and smelled the bad odor and said, gee what died in here. That's when I told her a tenant died, thats what your smelling. She quickly apologize and went straight to her apartment. I tell you, some people have no respect or care for others, but she didn't know. Anyways, long story short, we saw and found a dead body and I pray that my dreams will not hunt me of that tenant or any spookies. 

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