Evelina Kapuau'i Naeole!

by - November 03, 2011

I was spot on with the date when my adorable niece Evelina would be born!! A cookie for me!! lol Congrats to my sister Jerica for bringing in this world a beautiful healthy baby girl. I'm so excite to see how she will grow up and to see her blossom into a gorgeous young lady. Proud aunty moment!!

My adorable niece Evelina,
You may never read this but I wanted to write a little message for you, that you may one day know how much I love and care for you even though I'm far away. Evie, you were brought into this life for a special reason, to be a daughter of wonderful parents, a loving sister to your big sister Jerina and to be a great friend to all who meet you. As you grow older, you will realize the importance of family, good friends, and people who will influence you to be the best person you were meant to become. Don't let the negative of the world define who you are. Be better than that. Be a good girl and stay close to the Lord. He will be your best friend and confidant. Study well in school and in church. Every information can help you understand the things of the world but mainly the Kingdom of God. Follow in the footsteps of your grandma Lynn Unga. Serving others and the missionaries. With that love of service you will be the Lord's greatest instrument in being a woman of compassion and who gives her all in service. Be good to your family and help them remember what matters and what is important, which is you and Jerina safety spiritually and physically. Don't develop hatred toward your other family who you don't know or that you heard negative things about. Trust in the Lord that he will comfort you by the Holy Spirit that it will give you understanding of what had transpire before you had any knowledge of it. I love you dearly and so does your Aunty Juanita, Uncle Henry and Uncle Mika. Take care of yourself and may the Lord guide you into righteousness and happiness forever!

Love you Evelina!
<3 Aunty JayLynn

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