Baby TJ Pulu

by - January 31, 2014

Congratulations to my niece Letitia "Tish" in giving birth to a beautiful baby boy. I know that the Lord blessed you with a child that will bring you much love & joy. I'm so happy for you Tisha!
Dearest TJ,
Life here on earth will be one of the greatest test that you will face in your life. You were chosen to come at this time and what a blessing it is for your gentle soul to grace us. As you grow each day, I pray that you will search the scriptures and heed the righteous advice from the prophets. Your soul will be edified by its teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ. Smile always. Laugh often. Share your joy in the gospel to your family. Be the Light of Christ that you were born to be. Stay close to your Heaven Father and Jesus Christ. With that wonderful relationship it will lead you to eternal happiness. Be a good example to your family. Bare your testimony of the Savior always, that it will strengthen you and your families lives. When the time comes when you will receive the Priesthood, strengthen it, practice the Love of service to all and bless those who are in need of the Lords priesthood which is in you. May the Lord bless your life as you continue to include him in it and be worthy of those blessings. I'm thankful to have you in my life as well as your family. 
I love you sweetie!
Love Always,
Aunty JayLynn

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