5.7 Earthquake in SLC!

by - March 18, 2020


What in the world is going on here!!! A freaking EARTHQUAKE!! I so freaked out right now that it is so hard to do anything. But I needed to record this before I lose my mind. Okay here I go.

It started off like a typical morning where I am awaken by Mika's 4 am alarm. I grabbed my phone and started to study my scriptures until Mika finally gets up to go to work at 5am. Laying in bed for the next few hours prayerfully seeking spiritual insights from the scriptures, I began to get sleepy and the last scripture passage I was reading Jacob 4:4-11. Unshaken faith was what stood out to me. We are studying in the Come Follow Me manual on the Book of Mormon and one of the question asked "What cab we learn from Jacob's teaching about how to develop faith that is unshaken?". It's around 7am that when I dozed off while thinking about that question. The moment I knew I fell asleep, I noticed the bed started to shake and then I popped out of bed a bit freaked out and I could hear Mika screaming, "It's an earthquake! Jay it's an earthquake!". I ran straight to the bedroom door in a little panic and met up with mika and held onto each other as the apartment continue to shake for a few more seconds. My anxiety was going nuts inside but my outward appearance did not look scared at all. Once it was over, we both looked at each other and knew what to do next, get on our knees and pray. Mika said the prayer and thanked the lord for protecting us and to continue to watch over us and our family who are in Utah. My heart was filled with worry but with peace knowing that the our Savior will protect those who trust in him and his mercies. Soon after Mika's prayer, I called Henry and Juanita to check up on them to see if they are safe. No answer. I got more anxious and worried. A few minutes later Henry called me back sounding so nervous and said he was safe and that he talked to nita who was a work near ground zero of the earthquake. She felt it the hardest and it shook her pretty bad. I told henry to come to my place that was I know booth of them are safe while we ride out any after math. Mika continue to work since he works at home, but the company told them to focus on their family and come back the next da. So he got off early and we just try to check on our neighbor John and his family. They were ok when we went over to check on him. He was a bit shook up but ok. I grabbed anything that was hanging on the walls and placed them on the floor. Rearranging things around my house to make room for my siblings got my blood pressure up but I had to keep my cool for my family. Once everyone was together, I couldn't relax knowing there may by earthquake after maths. So I started to make some food to calm my siblings. My brother Henry was so on edge that he couldn't relax or rest either. The thought of dying at his apartment building, which he lives on the fourth floor got him paranoid and scared. He shared to us that when the earthquake started he thought it was ruble noise from the construction site next door, but then the building began to shake hard and sway side to side. He know it was an earthquake and started to panic a bit as he ran to his bedroom door. I knew he was scared when he shared his experience, because of the tone in his voice. So I gave him a hug and told him that it will be ok and that the Lord will protect us, especially Mom. Everyone was on edge and couldn't stay still. Even though it was around 8am, we needed to find some time to rest but be alert at the same time. I prepared the air mattress for nita and one for henry to rest when things calmed down for a moment. My brother just played games on his phone while I got nita to finally take a nap. It took about 3 hours for things to slow down with the after math, but we felt a few of them on and off during our naps. Later this evening, my sister went back to work and my brother stayed with us for the night. All I can say is that this was a crazy experience that rattled my life for a moment. Honestly I know its going to take come time to feel completely comfortable again. We still had a few more after shocks but it was small. It has been over 25 years since the last time I experience an earthquake. And I thought that I wouldn't ever experience anything like that again, but I was wrong. It's been told by many Utahans that this state is due for a big one. I thought this was it because it was a 5.7 magnitude but it is not. Well I guess I really need to prepare for that big one or I hope that the Lord takes me to heaven before then. Anyways, I got to get some sleep, this has been a long day.

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