Baby Analaïa Rosemarie Villamor

by - October 03, 2020


Well hello Princess Laïa! What a joy to know that the Lord sent you to be born on this cool day to some awesome parents. Your life has just begun and there is no stopping it. May the Lord forever guide, inspire, protect and bless you daily. Stay close to God and he will bring your great joy and peace. Seek him always and he will open many door of opportunity in the future. Be faithful and pure in Jesus Christ as you continue in life through the years. Don't hesitate to communicate with your parents and grand parents for advice and help. They will always have your best interest. Smile often and have a prayer in your heart often. Continue to strive to stay worthy of God's blessings and gifts. I love you Laïa! Stay on the Covenant path and you wont go wrong. God bless!


Aunty JayLynn

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