After Christmas Hang out with my Nieces!

by - December 26, 2017

As always we would hang out and go somewhere to eat as a family. The girls wanted to chill out and get out of Utah county and chill with us Salt Lake County folks. lol Anyways, after the Christmas party at Jens, we went to eat at iHop with cousin Tony from Hawaii and hang out after wards at our place for some video games and chit chat. I guess we had a little too much funny laughing the night away that we feel asleep around 3 or 4am?!? Lets just say we had fun and rested up the next day to just stay warm from the cold and pick up Mika from work. Oh ya we did stop by City Creek Mall to pick up some facial cleanser from Sephora for my girls and ate at Chic-fil-a. I know my girls didn't wanted the day to end, but its always a fun and exciting time together to be girls and do girlie things. Have a wonderful week sweeties and I hope to see you on New Year Eve!

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