Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #64

by - November 26, 2018

Sister Denning and I


I hope yall had a Happy Thanksgiving! This week was awesome! We had fun spending it with members! We went to the Foote familys home for Thanksgiving and ate tons of food! It was a packed house. 
We also had our Christmas Zone Conference where we were trained on how to better talk to people on the streets. We also had a talent show afterwards with all the missionaries. 

We currently have no one in our teaching pool so we are focusing on finding! Didn't have much success last week. :( but we are determined to find someone this week! We have been praying a lot! We have been getting a lot of referrals from our members to go try people! So thats good! 

But that about sums up our week. Hopefully we will be able to find some people to teach! 

Sorry this email is kinda short. but here are some pictures you could look at! haha 

Have a great week! 

 Reno Zone Conference

 Reunited with Sister Squire and Sister Veikoso! 

 Sister Talbot and I. She is awesome. 

Thanksgiving breakfast Reno Zone Missionaries 

Sister Denning and I 

 Zone Conference...I'm eating in the

 Zone conference...I'm in line getting my food!

Made some friends while we were out proselyting! 

Heres a picture of a house we knocked on to show you how nice our area is! lol All of homes are super nice!  

 sorry its blurry. But this was Thanksgiving at a members home. 

Sister Morey and I at Zone Conference! She is my favorite.  

Reno Zone Missionaries Thanksgiving Breakfast

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