Sister Nadira Tupuola's Last Email as a Missionary #73

by - February 04, 2019

We went on a cloudy day but it was cool because the whole lake was silver!

Goodbye Reno...
Hello Everyone! 
So this is it. My last Pday before I head out. I haven't even started packing yet. I want to avoid that as much as possible lol. I am so sad to be leaving this place where I have learned and grown so much. I will forever cherish my experiences here and I will forever remember the people that I've met! But I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for me as I start my next journey in life. I am excited to apply what I've learned into my life!! I will continue being a missionary! I am also so excited to see you all and catch up on what you are up to! 
This last week as a missionary has been AWESOME! I have enjoyed every second being out doing missionary work!! I've been trying to stay exactly obedient and not waste any second of the Lord's time!! We had a great week and taught a powerful lesson with Blakely!! SHE HAS COMMITED TO BAPTISM FOR FEB 23rd!! MIRACLLEEE! I AM SO EXCITED FOR HER!!! She is super prepared and ready!! But anyway, I gtg I still have some work to do before heading back! I love you all and will see you soon!
God is good. He lives and loves you!! 
Love Sister Tupuola! 
Lake TAHOE! 

The Water is soooo clear!! 
January National Soup Month

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