Elder Iohani Wolfgramm Email #31

by - July 29, 2019

This week was great, People still think I barely just arrived here in the Philippines haha And then I start speaking in Tagalog and they are blown out of their minds. But I still need a lot of practice although Ive been here for months now! any who, I have been experiencing great things out here in the Mission, from going to members, to eating half cooked duck eggs, to swerving through traffic trying not to die! :) The Lord has been with me 100 percent of the way! Its been full of laughs, trials, but He is always on the side! 
Always trust in the Lord Jesus Christ! He'll Never turn his back on you 
(Here is what happened in my week though) 

Weekly Letter - 29 Jul 2019

29 Jul 2019

Wolfgramm, Iohani Christian

Dear President Welch,
Hello President, well to start I'm glad to say my family is safe and they're all doing great. I do miss them, but nothing beats serving the lord full time and doing his work, it's such a short time in which we serve I've realized now in my 10th month of service, it flies by extremely fast. Anyways, my area is cool, I still haven't been across it all on foot yet, but I have gotten a good idea where things are at, I just need to know where more members are so we can find and help strengthen them.
One thing that actually happened that was interesting was I started a drawing project of a portrait of Jesus Christ, but as I continued to draw it and finished it I could feel the saviors love for me so strong, and I know that when we use our talents to glorify Him we are happy for doing so. So, in addition to that thought, I, myself am Happy because I can truly feel the spirit even when times get dark. I've seen a growth in my own reliance on the saviors Gospel as I have been serving and know it will grow if I humble myself continually daily. 

That calls for this week President Welch, again, your doing awesome president ! we all love you, keep serving the Lord, I know He is pleased when we do His will Together! 

Your Missionary,
 Elder Wolfgramm

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