Elder Iohani Wolfgramm Email #32

by - September 01, 2019

Hey Everyone so I only have 1 year left! isn't that crazy? 
Anywho here has what's been happening in the area Caloocan 2nd Philippines! 

Wolfgramm, Iohani Christian

Dear President Welch,

This week has been great, but let me start off with my family. They as of now are doing great! my oldest brother Grant is working at the airport now just saving , and my other brother Evan is just preparing to submit his mission papers soon, so that's it with them they're fine. But it's been exciting in this area because we have a baptism coming up with Benjie on Sunday September 8th,2019 !
He has been waiting for along time to become a member and now the time has come. But as for the work here, it's going and progressing we have 2 of our friends who have baptism dates on September 21st as of now and we are planning to extend 2 more this upcoming week, so the Lord's work is awesome and I am so grateful I have 1 more year left starting today actually ! It is my year mark today. I addition my companion and I are progressing, but again we can always get better and higher in our progress. 
As for me i am doing great, the sense of urgency has come upon me knowing that I only have 1 more year left I want to do the 100% best I can for the Lord and His work. This truly his work, a Marvelous work, I know it and I'll never deny it. (Doctrine and Covenants 4:1) Any ways, Thank you so much President Welch for coming to our chapel to do an interview. You have a great week and as always, Carry On.

Your Missionary,
 Elder Wolfgramm

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