Youth Activity at Garden Village

by - October 20, 2022

Ana writing down what she found for the scavenger hunt

Alice and Brigette posing by the witch painting a master piece

Finé, Ana and Ofa chilling while looking for the next scavenger hunt clue

Ofa, Finé and Ana found the witch on the boat

Mika with the kids on the witching bridge

 Brigette and Alice being silly

Tonight we had a youth activity at the Garner village for Halloween. Even though it was a bit nerve racking for me because I don't celebrate this Holiday, but I mustered up the courage to go along with it since I am part of the leadership in our youth program and Mika is in the Bishopric. It is important that we both support our youth programs the best we can and to fellowship our less active youth. We had a fun time doing a scavenger hunt that was provided by Garden Village, we split into 4 teams to make it more challenging. Everyone that was there took photos of the things that they needed to find, which made it more interesting and fun for the kids. Once the festivities were over, Mika and I had the privilege to provide a ride for 2 sisters and their friend, who are staying at a homeless shelter. Before we dropped them of, we went to McDonald's for dinner and this was a memorable moment for me and Mika. These girls never had a Big Mac or Spicy Chicken sandwich. So when they tried it, they were blown away of the yummy flavors and taste of it. Mika told them that they were missing out on trying different burgers at McDonald's and that we were glad they tried it for once. This was a wonderful experience for me to let myself go in the moment of being there for those who may need it. I thank and praise the Lord for times like this.

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