Our stake youth mini mission ecperience

by - November 20, 2022

Mika and I were asked by our Bishop if we could host a pair of youth, who will be participating in the stake youth mini mission. We happily accepted and prepared our home for this weekend activity. The weeks prior was nerve racking for me, because we didn't have a bed for the youth who will be staying with us. The only bedding we had were air mattresses and Mika didn't want them to sleep on that. After consistent prayers and fasting, the Lord answered our prayers as Mika was guided to go into Facebook market place to look for a bed and he found a woman who was trying to get rid of her trundle bed, a two twin bed that bed made into one king size. This bed was for sale for $50. What a blessing and a miracle! We both gave thanks to the Lord and now we were ready for the youth missionaries. I have prepared the room by moving a ton of our food storage to our master bedroom and rearrange the bed that it is will comfortable for the two youth kids to sleep. As the host family, the only thing the Bishop wanted us to have ready is a place to sleep and breakfast. We got everything set and now it finally came to the day of the event. Since it started on Friday, we went to the temple to work our ordinance shift and came home waiting for the youth to arrive at our home. Well when we arrived home, we got a call from the Bishop's wife informing us that we wouldn't be hosting the youth boys (Elders) since not all of them came, only 3 out of 6. So the boys stayed with another host family that had a bigger space for them. Mika and I were bummed out that we couldn't experience that but it was ok. We did however were the family that the boys came over to teach a lesson, like how they would do on the mission field. I believe this type of youth activities can truly help our youth want to serve the lord by preparing now to go on a mission when they are of age. When these boys came over, Mika and I already planed to act like a Christian family that heard about the church but don't know much. The boys gave their lessons and it was awesome. They were nervous but felt the spirt as they taught us. We did asked them hard questions but they did their best to answer it the best they can. After their lesson, we confessed to them that Mika and I are members of the church and that Mika was the 1st counselor of the Bishopric in our ward. They were shocked and said that we acted really well and we fooled them in believing that we were non members. Well on Sunday service the boys bared their testimony of their experience and they brought up their favorite experience was when they visited Mika and I. It was a touching moment for me and I thank the Lord for allowing Mika and I to experience this with them. This activity was a success even though we didn't host but we had a little part of their mini mission.

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