A Winter day to go to the Temple

by - February 24, 2023


It's another great day to work at the Temple after a big storm. And I look forward to service in his Holy House and to feel his love throughout my shift. During our meeting today, they told us the temple was closed on Wednesday and yesterday, due to the big amount of snow that we got and it was hard for the plowers to remove the snow. But today they were able to clear enough for everyone to visit the temple. It was a wonderful shift and I was happy to participate in helping with Initiatories and the Veil. Seeing the smile, the light of Christ in the patrons face, always brings joy to me. Also during our prep meeting, the Matron discuss about the importance of emergency preparedness and being aware of all the exits, where to go during an evacuations, helping others in our different post and making sure to keep everyone safe and how to handle properly the removal of temple clothing if need to evacuate. So many things was running through my heading throughout the meeting and during my shift. A question came to my mind, what if a earthquake happened during my shift? How will I handle myself? Will I remember what was taught during an emergency? And many other questions. But then another thought came to me, Jaylynn, why are you asking these questions, when you already know the answer? Don't doubt or lose your faith. I am here with you and will protect you in my House. I felt at peace and knew right away that the Lord wanted me to know that everything will be find, as long as I continue to have faith and trust in him. No matter what happens outside of the temple, from calamities and evil, but the inside of the Temple will always be safe and protected by him who is all powerful and glorious, Jesus Christ. I am thankful for that little spiritual moment in the Temple and I hope and pray for more inspirations to help strengthen my faith in God. Have a bless day everyone!

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