Letter #1 from Nita

by - August 29, 2002

This letter from Nita made me home sick and very emotional. She's having a hard time in Virginia. Tons of drama and the weight of the world on her shoulders. Little does she know that I'm going through a ton of crap here. It would be nice if we could be room mates and live together. I know we would be fine together than being alone. I miss her and my family so much. Its like a never ending story for our family to go through crap. I can see why we are head strong in things and trying our best to get through it. I don't know what the man up stairs has in store for us but it really sucks. No offense Lord, but this life sucks for myself and for my family. You must have something big for our family for us to go through this annoying hardships. Praying for a miracle!! I love you sis, everything will be alright. Hang in there and have Faith!!

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