Elder Henry Elu Email to Me #5

by - October 18, 2004


Otay Gyrl,

Here`s my addy,

Honduras San Pedro Sula Mission
12 Calle, Avenida Circanvalacion, S.O.
Edif. Yude Canahuati, 3 Nivel, Oficina 4
San Pedro Sula, Cortes
Honduras, C.A.

Well the work is going well here in hondo-land. We got 6 baptisms set for the weekend, and planning to get at least 3 more by next week hopefully. For the package I want some original Dorito`s, Snickers, twix, and all american junk foods. For hawaiian goodies lihing mui, lihing mui mango, and all that`s lihing mui. Send the same list to mom too if you can. Also if you can, write down all these email addy`s so you can write to my friends and tell them How I`m doing here in hondo-land?, cuz they made another rule that I cant do what I was doing before, but I will find out more clearly on the rules next wk. If you could it would help me alot in helping my friends stay in the path of the lord, cuz already 2 of them are falling away!!!

Just tell them I`m doing fine and they can still write me but I cant write them directly, but thru family. I love you so much for your support and the support of the wolfgram family. Tell mika  and  family I said hola and dios bendiga!!!
Til we meet again my bonita gemala, much love and aloha..

Con Amor, Su Gemelo Hermano, 
Elder "baba" Elu

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