Let's start something good this new year!

by - February 04, 2009

Hey girlie's,

It's a new year and we need to start getting things in order for our Girls Night Out! Also I want to apologize for not keeping you all updated, sometime we get caught up in life that us grown ups get to deep into things that we forget to balance our serious and fun times. So sorry for that.
OK now a month has past and it's time for us to think about what we want to do for our GNO activities this year. I know I've asked a few of you for your schedules for this year and I would like to know it again sometime by next week. Put something together for me and post your thoughts or ideas for our activities on our Blog. Another thing, I would like for each of you to read through your Personal Progress books(the older girls in Young Women) or Activity Day booklet(the younger girls in Primary) and find a project you would like to accomplish this year. These booklets are to help you develop or learn something new. Let me know if you have any questions for me and I'll be gladly to help. Oh yeah, make sure that you do your homework and chores before you get started on finding your GNO projects. I'm hoping to hear from you all real soon.

Aunty Jay

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