Baby Ian Wolfgramm

by - February 14, 2009

What a joy it is to see another one of God's creation come into this world. Baby Ian is healthy and adorable as ever!! I'm very happy to have seen this cutie just hours after he was born. 
Dearest Ian, 
You have come a long way to end up in a good family. As you see life through your own eyes, you will realize how much the world isn't all that great. But as you continue to stay close to the Lord and follow his commandments, you will have a Change of Heart, knowing that you can make a difference by being you and to be a man of righteous judgment. Hold your head held high in righteousness, heed the council of the Lord and the Holy Spirit, and you will accomplish many great and wonderful things. Your example will light up the world and your own family. Be strong my sweet Ian and you will see the blessings pouring out through you to those who know and who you meet. 
Love you Sweetie!
<3 Aunty JayLynn

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