Last Visit with Mom!

by - June 10, 2010

I had mix emotions on this trip, mainly because there was so much drama going on that my head wants to explode. It was partially a happy time because I finally saw my mom in a very long time. My sister Juanita was originally going by her self and so my mom thought it was only going to be her. But little did she knew that my sister and I planned a surprise visit from me for my mom. I knew I haven't celebrated her birthday in years and even though I'm visiting her for her birthday a bit early, I figure why not. My mom was very happy and surprised by my all of a sudden pop out of the car. My  sisters told my mom to get little jerina in the car and mind you, my little sisters car windows was tinted so my mom couldn't see me. So when my mom came to the car I opened the door and it scared her for a moment until she realized who it was, me! She screamed as if something bad happened and she hugged me for a good whole 2 minutes but it felt like forever. We exchanged smiles and kisses and she continued to hug me more. What a wonderful moment for us both. My mom wasn't the only one who was surprised by my visit. My little sister Jerica was at the airport waiting for my other sister Juanita to arrive. They met and hugged with joy. As they were hugging, I secretly came around the corner and stood behind my little sister and said, "Excuse me but I think you left something on the plane?" When finished hugging my sister Juanita and to see who was talking to her, she saw me and screamed just like mom. She than rushed to me and gave me the biggest hug and cried for a while. It scared my little niece as her mommy screamed so suddenly. We comfort my little niece after our long over due hug and I finally held my niece Jerina after a long time being away from home. A great day that was. As the days went on, we had a few drama moments with my mom's family. It was like a never ending chaos that I wished never happened.

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