Elder Iohani Wolfgramm Email #23

by - April 01, 2019

Quezon Memorial Shrine

Kamusta po sa inyong lahat! 

Hey but besides just calling I have decided to write Emails on top of calling so that way when I get back I can have a bunch of stories I can read back, just as Gordon B Hinckley was able to account of His stories later on. 
here is the Email I wrote to my President Earlier 
Dear President.
            Dear President Koster
         Good Morning, This last week in March has been full of tiny miracles. I've been really trying to stay positive this past week and to see the good in everything and it has been improving my performance as a missionary. Looking for the positive in everything truly does make the time go swiftly and joyous from my observation, and soaking up every minute here on the mission, because this time here can never be taken back.  
             But last Saturday we had a Baptism of 3 Primary aged boys. I had the wonderful opportunity to confirm 2 of them on the following Sunday, and it was actually my first time confirming, so for me that was my miracle. Other than that President, Elder Cabungcag and I are getting along just fine. The Lord has been blessing us here in Cogeo, and I know now if I keep up with this positive attitude I can continue to feel and share the pure Love of Jesus Christ continually. 
Yours Truly, 
Elder Wolfgramm

    The work here has been more happy, and I am not focused on" how much time I have left?, but rather," how much more can I do? I am learning more and more how to be patient, and humbled...For example At church yesterday in ward council meeting, it was our turn to speak and give our reports as missionaries, so as I got up to share I started to speak in English, and right away the Relief society President stops me and says, Hey, Speak  in Tagalog! , so for me that's a reminder that I need to humble myself and speak their language and not my own native one. I know if I continue I can not only get fluent in the language, but also be a as Gordon be Hinckley Unstoppable! Well, I Love you all! Remember Time can never be taken back, Use it wisely. 

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