Elder Iohani Wolfgramm Email #24

by - April 15, 2019

Hello Everyone, I Love each and every single one of you! 

Buit, I am doing good, here is a letter that describes my week 

This finish to this transfer has been great, I feel that Elder Newswander and Cabungcag they are awesome... I got to really know Elder Newswander he is really an awesome guy! He is from Logan Utah, 19 years old, and has been a good example to me of what kind of person I want to be. They will do great things here in Cogeo as I depart tommorow in Quezon City zone. I know the Lord need me there for a reason. My miracle report for this week will actually be a reflection of my 4 transfers here in Cogeo all of the people Ive met, all of the fun experiences I had with my district and zone, all of the food I tried for the first time in the philippines, and getting an experience firsthand of how the cultrure is. I'm actually getting emotional thinking about and as I write this letter to you! I am definately going to miss Cogeo, but I need to step out of my comfort zone, move on, and look foward to more experiences to come with a perfect brightness of hope. 
I Love you so much, I will be chatting with you in a bit today hang on! 

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