Elder Maikeli Wolfgramm Email: Koeʻuhi ko ia🇹🇴🐣

by - April 01, 2024


Just wanted to make a quick update famili! 
About a week and a half ago I got transferred to an outer Island "EUA" I woke up a Friday morning at about 7:30 am. I looked at my phone and see 5 missed calls from Prez... He says he's outside "Your getting on a boat in the next hour, hurry, pack your bag! This mission is absolutely crazy but it just goes to show the Lord works in mysterious ways. So far I love it, very beautiful and amazing, loving and humble people here. Definitely a lot more slow with the work being that the village we cover is very small and little population but I know there is a reason I'm supposed to be here. So I will continue to do my part faithfully and find that reason. Language is still a working progress but I can tell it's getting better every day. Articles of faith :7. I didn't believe this until I've seen and experienced it myself. I am so grateful for my savior Jesus christ and the Resurrection. Because of him I know we will all live again. 
'Oku ou Fakamo'oni 'iate kimoutolu koeʻuhi ko Ia, ʻe toe moʻui ʻa e tokotaha kotoa pē. Kapau te tau muimui ʻia Kalaisi, te tau lava ʻo maʻu ʻa e fiefia moʻoni ʻi he māmani pea hanganaki atu ki he fiefia taʻengata ʻi he moʻui ka hoko mai. ʻI he huafa ʻo Sīsū Kalaisi. Emeni. 

Mika's replay to Mickey's email:

Wow Mikki, this is beautiful!! I'm so excited for you to experience your mission. Wherever the Lord sends you is where he needs you to be. I enjoy reading your experiences and look forward to more stories and experiences. Just know we are here doing our work as well. I pray for you everyday that you will find those who are seeking his truth. May the Lord bless you in the nether most part of the vineyard like it says in Jacob 5. You literally are in that part of the vineyard trying to gather the olive branches that originated from the mother tree in the vineyard. May your work be blessed and may the Lord guide you every step of the way! Love you Nephew! Keep up the great work! Si'oto Ofa! 

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