Making a meal together

by - November 19, 2017

Not everyday a couple can say that they make a meal together. It's usually one or the other. But tonight was one of those nice night when my husband and I wanted to make a meal together. Earlier today, Mika and I went food shopping to get a few things for our place. As we were walking around the store, both our eyes went straight for the meat section and both said out loud, "ooh stakes!" We looked at each other sort of giggling and head over to the section where the Ribeye stakes were. I said to Mika as he was looking through the packages of stakes. " That's too funny we thought the same thing...stakes. We definitely have been married way too long to think the same!?!" He smiled and agreed with me as he picked out the stakes for our dinner. We both thought about what we already had at home to cook and what else we needed to get to complete our meal. after going through the store a few times to pick up everything we need. We checked out and headed home. My stomach was grumbling just thinking about dinner. We've arrived home and began to get things ready and prepped to make dinner. I started on making the garlic butter roasted potatoes. Once that was chopped, oiled, seasoned and placed it on a sheet pan, I put it in the oven at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes. As the potatoes were cooking, I usually would start cooking my carrots around the 12 minutes mark left of the potato cooking time. I would put 1 cup of baby carrots and 1 cup of water into a sauce pan and let that cook for 12-14 minutes until slightly soft. As the carrots are cooked to the preference I want, I would drain it, put it back into the pan, put on low heat and add 2 table spoon of fresh honey, 3 table of brown sugar and 1 cup of unsalted butter. Cook the carrots until the glaze is nice and caramelized.  Next I rinsed and cut the asparagus put it a small pan with a 1/2 cup of water and a pinch of salt, sort it to medium heat to cook for 10 minutes.  Now all the side dishes are cooked and done within 40 minutes, we can get the Ribeye stakes prepped. Which I'm glad that Mika usually cook the stakes. Marinate the ribeyes in any beef or stake rubs for 40 minutes. Prep the frying pan on medium to high heat. Cook the stakes 3 minutes on each side. My husband likes to cook it with butter and minced garlic to give it its own carmelized glaze. After each side of the stakes has been cooked, take it out of the pan, put it in foil, wrap it up, also wrap it in a towel for it to finish cooking to perfection for 5 minutes. Your meal is done, plate it up and enjoy.
That was our little simple process of cooking our yummy Ribeye stake meal tonight and I hope to make more yummy meal with Mika in the near future.
Happy eating everyone!!

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