Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #40

by - June 11, 2018

Hello Everyone! 

Its beginning to feel like Summer! Sister Cluff and I had so much fun biking everywhere this week! I had two flat tires and a ripped dress! but thank goodness for members! They were able to help me out this week and fixed my bike! 

Zone Conference in Fallon! 
We got to travel down to Fallon to go to our last Zone Conference with President Chesnut! It was awesome being back in Fallon! We drove right through my area! it was cool. But It was kinda sad because President and Sister Chesnut said all of their goodbyes. It was the last time we were going to see them before they go home. But it was a really good Zone conference. President Chesnut taught us the importance of listening to the spirit. Sister Chesnut taught the importance of remember who we represent. They both gave power trainings. Sister Cluff also gave her goodbye testimony. It was sad because everyone that Ive grown really close to is leaving in a few weeks! I am grateful for the Chesnuts and for everything that theyve taught me. They are the best!  

Kursten Riede 
Sister Cluff and I saw a guy who was watering his yard so we asked him if he needed help. He said no but that we could go ask his neighbor if she needed help. So we went next door and knocked on the door. A woman answered and asked if we were the Jehovahs (smh) We introduced ourselves and said we were from the Mormon church. She said she has never seen female missionaries before and said that it was cool.  We asked her if she could use any help of any kind with cleaning or yard work and she said yes! We helped her clean around the house and put shelves and pictures up on the wall. She kept thanking us for helping her because she has lots of health issues so she cant do much around the house. We were able to get to know her really well. She is from Napa, California and recently moved here to Gardnerville. She is an interesting character. She was telling us that she enjoys swearing. It brings her happiness. She also was telling us that she came to earth to fight. Her beliefs in God were very interesting as well. She said that God doesn't look like anything but that he is the universe. We had very interesting conversations. She is not interested but is willing to have us over to help her clean. haha the people that I meet here are so funny. Everyone is different and has their own story. Its really cool. 

Dan is a potential that we met a few weeks ago when we were looking for a less active member. As we were riding our bikes we saw him again outside his home having a cigarette, so we stopped to talk to him. After talking for a while. He let us share a message. We shared a scripture in Alma 38:5. We taught how if we trust God he will help us through our trials. We also talked a lot about the Book of Mormon because he didn't have any idea what it was. He said that the things we were telling him made a lot of sense. He seemed very interested in what we taught. We asked if we could come back and share more with him and he said yes! He said he likes to be open to everything. We are excited to continue to share more with him! He liked the message that we shared. 

Richard B
our investigator, Richard is doing awesome!!! He has commited to baptism and now we are waiting to get his parents written approval. His father is Catholic and is not sure about it. So we are just waiting on him. But its so fun teaching Richard about the gospel. He has a strong testimony and knows that everything we teach him is true. He asked us this week about crosses. Why doesn't our church have crosses? We were able to explain that we like to focus more on the Saviors Resurrection than his crucifixion. We explained that if he had a friend who got shot by a gun, would he go around wearing the bullet that killed his friend on his neck? It made a lot of sense to him. But we love his questions because they really make you think. We are excited for him to continue learning and to get baptized!  

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