Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #42

by - June 25, 2018

Summer has begun and the heat is getting REAL! This week Sister Cluff and I have been trying to stay out of the sun as much as we can. We don't have AC in our apartment so its been kinda a struggle staying cool. We love the evenings like after 6pm because that is when everyone comes outside because its cooler. We have met soooo many people this week! Its been crazy! 

It was about 90 degrees outside in the afternoon when Sister Cluff and I decided to ride our bikes to go visit a less active member named Chelsea. We were dying in the heat. We finally made it to her house and she wasn't there. :( But her sprinklers were on so we decided to go play in them to cool off. After a while we decided to head back out on our bikes and then Chelsea drove up into her drive way! We were able to see her and we set up another time to come back! It was a miracle! 

We went to try a potenial investigator who has been on our records forever. Her name is Samantha. She wasn't home but her family was and they let us in and gave us water. We talked to Samantha's mother for a while. Her name is Bertha and she is super nice. Bertha is from Mexico and recently moved in with her daughter. She told us that she was born and raised Catholic but then decided to search for another church. She really liked the Jehovah Witnesses but then she said they were wierd. So she decided to search for another church. She decided one day to attend a Mormon church and really like it but she wished there was more spanish people. We then were able to tell her that there is actually a Spanish Ward just down the street from her! She was excited and kept asking us more questions about our church. She asked us if we could come back to teach her and she will teach us spanish. It was really cool. We are excited to teach her and we are also excited to learn spanish! 

We met John as he was fixing his boat in front of his house. He's probably in his 60's. We asked him if we could help but he said no and that Its keeping his mind off of things. We talked for a while about fishing and then all of a sudden he breaks down in tears. He tells us that his best friend recently passed away and that he's been trying not to think about it. He kept crying and then he started walking away from us and went into his house. We felt so bad for him and wanted to share the message of the Plan of salvation with him. We hope to go by his house again and share it with him. 

Aw shucks I am out of time to write but so much more has happened this week! I am grateful for all the people that I've met! There are a lot of interesting people. But I love being a missionary and I love this gospel! I hope you all have a great week! 

Love Sister Tupuola

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