Calling in the Church

by - September 30, 2018

Young Women 2nd Counselor! I was called in the Bishop's office today and he extended the call to me to be in the Young Women's Presidency. I'm very excited to be part of a wonderful organization. I've been blessed with so many examples in my life to be able to learn and grow in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Also to build a strong relationship with the many women in my life. I've learn from many great women, especially my Mom. She was my greatest influence and blessing. Everything I've learn was from her. Service, humility, gratitude, missionary work, and many more amazing qualities she has shown to many. I hope that I can continue to live faithfully and use her examples to share and inspire many throughout my life. I can't wait to learn more about whats new in Young Women and fulfill my calling the best that I know I can.

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