A cold and windy day at the Temple

by - December 30, 2022

It's the last Friday and Temple shift for Mika and I for 2022. The next time we work at the Temple will be next year. I had a wonderful day but felt a bit unwell. Bad headaches, dizziness, nausea and tiredness. As I was feeling those things, my body was ached with weakness of the bones. I don't know why it was happening to me, so I went to the 3rd floor near the veil to look for Mika. I felt prompted to ask him for a priesthood blessing when we get home. He agreed to do it and he said that he was also feeling stuffy in his sinus and maybe getting sick. So we continue on our duties in the temple. Honestly, it was hard for me throughout my shift but I prayed for help and strength to get through this day. And I made it. I had a wonderful experience in Initiatories. A kind older lady brought family names and it was her last family card name she was doing. I felt an overwhelming feeling of the Holy Spirit that I was crying with such emotion. Even she felt the Love of Christ during this session, that she gave me a big hug in thanking me for bringing the Light and love of God at this time. This made me feel genuinely grateful for this opportunity of showing God's Light and Love to anyone who comes to the Temple. One of the best kind of moments I have experienced weekly. Overall it was a tough time for me physically but it was strengthening spiritually. After our shift, we went home and Mika gave me a wonderful priesthood blessing of healing and comfort. As I was eating dinner and relaxing, I could feel my body slowly getting better, to the point that I feel asleep. Literally I went to sleep for an hour and I am feeling better. Thank you Father in Heaven for blessing me to get better and given me strength to endure the sickness that had stricken me these past few days. Thank you for sending the Holy angels for watching over me and bringing peace into my life. I hope and pray that each of you out there are blessed and safe. Have a wonderful New Year weekend.

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