Santa's Helpers!

by - December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas Everyone! Life is more exciting when Christmas is in the air. I've always been a sucker for Christmas but not as much as Halloween. But since it's the Holidays I wanted to share  this year Christmas moment. Last week Mika received a call from friend Mike. He wanted to do something special for the Tupuola family. Mika and I was all for it and wanted to know how we can help. That's when he call called us Santa's Helpers. With that being said, we were to go shopping for gifts for Jenny, Kelo and the kids. Everyday for the past week Mika and I would secretly find toys, clothes and stuff for the kids and sneak it into our room to be wrapped. It was pretty fun shopping for the kids cause it kind of felt like we were shopping for our kids. A cool experience for Mika and I. The day before Christmas, Mika and I talked with the kids about doing a White Elephant gift for each other. Reason being, the kids did not see any gifts under the tree and were sad about no gifts for them. So to make things a bit cheerful, we took them to the Dollar Store to pick a gift for their sibling they picked for the White Elephant. The kids being extremely disappointed, they picked a gift, we went home and they wrapped their gifts to put under the tree. I could here the kids whisper to each other, "this sucks, we only have one gift for Christmas!?!" Watching their little faces look so down and sad, in my head I said "Don't worry my dear nieces and nephew you will have more than you know!"
Soon the kids went to sleep and Jenny needed help wrapping her gifts she bought for the kids. She knew that Mika and I bought stocking with treats for the kids but she didn't knew that we had a surprise for her family. We helped he put her gifts under the tree and see too finally went to sleep. Now that everyone was sleeping, Mika and I went ninja mode and started to quickly bring up all the gifts we had hiding in our room. We set up the stockings, put the gifts under the tree and high five each other after looking at the end result of the Santa's Helper mission. Mika and I was so excited to see their faces when they woke up in the morning. It's Christmas morning and it felt like no one wanted to get up cause to them there wasn't anything great to wake up too. But that changed soon after they woke up. Mika and I woke up before everyone else did so that we can see the surprise on their face. Soon Jenny woke up and she was shocked to see half of her living room full of presents. She than went back into her room woke up Kelo to see what Santa brought them. He came out still trying to wake up and was surprised to see so many gifts for the family. Wow! was the word he said as he sat down on the couch. Jenny went to the kids room and woke them all up to see what santa brought them. With joy in their eyes as they saw the piles of gifts surround their Christmas tree. We gave thanks to the Lord and one by one the kids opened their gift. Everyone was happy and we enjoyed the many gifts that was given to us from Mike. Mika and I received a gift which we weren't expecting. I got a laptop and Mika got a DVD player. I'm thankful for everything that has happened to Mika and I but also to the Tupuola family. It was a joy to bring happiness to a family. But also to be of service to another. Again thanks to Mika B. for this awesome and memorable Christmas!!

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