Baby Peri Atuaia

by - December 26, 2012

It's been a scary ride for the Atuaia family. Baby peri was born just a few days ago but things wasn't looking too good with her little body & her health. Being sick since day 1 was worrisome for her family and everyone who knows her family. I'm glad that you've finally gotten better to be home with your brothers and sisters whose been worried for you. God is Good and I'm thankful that he has watched over you every moment of your life.
My dearest Peri,
I know that your life had a rocky and scary start. But as you fought for your life and held onto what you could, the Lord blessed you with strength to over come your physical challenges. You persevere and showed the world that you were born a fighter of faith and strength. As you grow older, my dear Peri, use that to your advantage to bring light and truth to the world. The strength that you have inside you was meant to be shared and to be a witness to those that you meet. With that you will be a special blessing in their lives. Stay close to the Lord and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as you do so you will bring many souls unto God who was lost or confused. Share your love and happy spirit with your family and friends. Everyone will be edified by just being even the smallest part of your presence. Don't ever let your guard down as you will face many challenges in your life. Protect your Virtue and your innocence. This world would do anything to corrupt the minds of many young special spirits like yourself. But as you stay faithful and virtuous, the Lord will protect you every moment of your life. Be supportive towards your siblings and your parents. They are your best friends and biggest supporters. Study hard in school and in the Gospel. This will benefit you and your family in the future. I love you very much Peri. May the Lord forever bless, guide and protect you.
Love always,
Aunty JayLynn
Uncle Mika holding baby Peri for the first time...what a precious baby!

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