My 1st Baby Shower decoration setup!

by - January 14, 2015

I'm in the Young Women's leadership and we have one of the sister leaders whose expecting with child. So what better way to celebrate her pregnancy by putting on a Baby shower for her. And that's what we did. As part of our youth activity, we wanted to put a surprise party. She had no clue what we a were up to, which was good for us. They wanted to have light snacks. But no one really knew how to put one together. So for me being in the catering business and knowing a few things about decorating, I took the challenge to set up the room and for the other leaders to come up with snacks. And as you can see through the photos, I'm happy for the simple but nice set up. When everyone arrived, a few people were surprised and loved it so much that they wanted me to decorate more activities for the girls. We waited for our expecting mother to arrive. Finally she came and saw the main door to our classroom closed and so when she opened it we all shouted SURPRISE!! She was shocked to see the baby blue setup and was starting to cry. We all thought she hated it but she wasn't, she was just crying tears of joy. Everyone gathered around her and gave her the biggest hug and congratulated her. We ate the snacks I provided and played tons of games. It was a wonderful experience and a jolly time for us and for youth leader.

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