Fall Photo shoot With Jay jay & Natalia!

by - November 01, 2016

I felt like taking some Autumn photos of my nieces using my mobile phone, which is a Nokia Lumia 1020. Its a few years old but I love taking photos with it cause its a 41 mega pixel camera and its awesome. I don't own a DSLR camera, so I just use what I have. Honestly, I know from a photographer stand point I made tons of mistakes taking these photos, but this is part of my development in learning, growing and failing in photography. The more I learn from my mistake the better I will become. My beautiful nieces did a fabulous job in these shots. Its not easy to let loose when someone else is taking your photos...but we managed to have fun as we went through the day. Eventually my editing skills will improve, but as for right now this is what ended up being. Progression in photography will happen eventually. Time will tell!

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