Elder Grant Wolfgramm Email #19

by - February 12, 2017

How is everyone? So this week has been just a huge BLAST of awesomeness! We are continuing to work with our Golden fam and they are all super awesome every one of those kids are just great and its funny I was talking to Elder Li-Khau (one of my Zone Leaders) and he was saying while he used to work in the area I am currently working in they did not like the missionaries to much and often didn't care to listen... But time softens hearts and now they are all closing in on their baptsim for Feb. 25th! I love this family and I hope that things continue the way they are! Also because right now I am in a combined area I also am working with some two investigators in my area who are super awesome and they seem to be super awesome! I hope that we can continue to help these wonderful people here on Yap come unto Jesus Christ! You know... I've been thinking about how much the Lord has done here on this small island and the Spirit of God sure has softened the hearts of these people! It really is a blessing to see the faith of these people as well... I hope I can continue to love and see these people as our Heavenly Father sees them... But yeah anyways things are going so well right now and I am truly happy I get to be in this work! Like the scriptures say the gospel will go out unto the isles of the sea... And its here! Anyways much love to all yallz thank you all for the support you give me through prayers, and anything you do I appreciate a lot! And if your wondering about my langauge "Itipeli be ibe kegachiu lago shagiu yai kaptelal faluwash pangal yat nge I ta gula pangal faiurmil nge I gula be Deus yebe tepangiei iga ibe kapet rel kapetalal faluwash!" Anyways much love to yallz! 

Ofa Atu,
Elder Wolfgramm

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