Elder Grant Wolfgramm Email #23

by - April 24, 2017

Hello Everyone!! Well I hope that you all are having a splendid week and will all have another one this week! Super "Surow" (Pronounced "Sue row" means sorry) about the last couple of weeks things got crazy busy and didn't have enough time to make a massive email to all yallz so my apologies! Iwe yai yangannge reli missionary ye gach gang i kashig week we be gang i kabwong ngali toulap yaramat kofali Keapate gachiu we yali Yesus Kristus! Gang itipeli be ibe kabwong pangal keapatel Weleya be I giula suket sheogiu. Iwe surow ngoa mali itowai translate yagoti be i meifi gagu igela haha Iwe gang i gashangigammi! Another cool thing is that my Mission President came this week to Yap and gave a most "delicious" training haha its something that we say here in the MGM mission lol it comes from Alma 32:28 but learned a lot about how we can improve our teaching and become more bold while setting up our invitation to someone to be baptized so that was good! Some cool things that are coming up is that this week we are doing a Missionary Fireside and its on God's Culture and we will be performing the Haka so I can't wait for that! Lol its gonna be awesome and as soon as I get my camera up and running I will send plenty pictures and a video of us doing the Haka! Anyways much love to all yallz be safe and Happy Late Easter! 

Ofa Atu,
Elder Wolfgramm

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