Elder Iohani Wolfgramm Email #30

by - July 15, 2019

Bonifacio Monument, Caloocon Philippines  

Weekly Letter - 16 Jul 2019

16 Jul 2019

Wolfgramm, Iohani Christian

Dear president Welch
So about my Family, they are all doing good, just working and it's very hot over there in Arizona, about 100 degrees at night they say! So that's them. But, this area, Caloocan 2nd it's cool, I feel I have a good feel of it now I've been studying the map on my free time just to familiarize myself with the area real good. While going through my area though, my companion and I go to on couple house, sister caican, and they want Elder Guiral and I to teach the first lesson to her husband because he was looking into the church. Anywho, we teach him and it seems like he wasn't helping me at all with the lesson and I was feeling like I was the only one talking, and it was tough because he knew alot about the bible and kept bible bashing me. anuwho Sunday comes up and guess what? It was all a prank he was a member and my companion stayed silent on purpose haha So that was a great welcoming to the ward! My companion is awesome by the way, hes such a hard worker and I can't wait to go forward! 
For me, I am doing fine, I hit my 10th mark, and it's so crazy how time is flying ! Well, let me know if you need any help with anything President Welch, you are awesome! どうもありがとうございます! or Marami Salamat po !

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