Sister Anzehla Tupuola Email #1

by - December 20, 2019

Bonjour Famille et les Ami,

This week has been full of amazing things. I've learned so much through out the week! My testimony has grown intensely. 

In last weeks email I mentioned that I was having a really a hard time here. But as days have gone by, I've learned that I was so focused on me and that I need to stop thinking about myself. 

Last week or two, We had the privilege to watch The Character Of Christ (a talk given by Elder Bednar) He talks about us Missionaries and our purpose. One thing that I wrote down in my journal was that "My mission is NOT about me. Get over yourself. It's about HIM and to SERVE HIM." 
That slapped me in the face. I then realized at that moment, how selfish I was as a missionary. He talked about the natural man and how we always turn IN. Meaning, we are always thinking about ourselves. He then talked about Christ. What he did here on earth. Christ never thought about himself. He helped and loved EVERYONE. He never once thought about himself. His "natural man" was to turn outwards. Towards others. Never. Did he EVER. Turn In. 
I think as disciples of Christ and representatives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, it is our responsiblity to reflect his works here on earth. Sacrifing 18 Months I should always turn out. Towards others. This is His work. Not Mines and definitely Not Satans. As a missionary my goal is to get over myself and to really focus on Gods children and the people he has prepared for me in Vanuatu and New Caledonia. I'm trying my best here to learn French. I think of me having lessons and not being able to teach Gods children because I dont know the language. One of my big goals is to be able to Express my love of the gospel to the people of Vanuatu and New Caledonia without help or hesitation. 

Last Tuesday we had our French TRC. I was given the task to lead the conversation and teach the lesson. EN FRANCAIS. Guys, I cant even tell you how scared I was to teach. When I found out that I'd be leading the TRC I was so mad. Haha😬
In my head I was being such a brat. I thought at least one of my companions would lead because they both know french almost fluently and that I could never do a perfect job. They would do so good!
But noooo. They picked me and I couldnt do anything about it. 
After being negative all day I decided that I needed to stop. I thought about my goal and felt guilty once again. I said a prayer. It was one of the longest prayers I've ever said in my entire life. I asked for forgiveness. For not being the missionary the Lord had wanted me to be. I told Heavenly Father that I was scared. That I didn't want to do it. But if he wanted me to do it, then I will. I asked for help and guidance by the spirit. I felt good. I felt that Heavenly Father was by my side, telling me that everything was going to be okay. I felt no need to worry. I studied and prayed for this TRC. The time finally came. Our TRC walks in. We get to know eachother and from there on, everything goes so well! I understood our Ami de l'eglise (Friend of the Church aka our TRC) completely. The spirit took over and I was able to say what our Ami de l'eglise needed to hear. I spoke without hesitation and taught our lesson with no problem. 

Family and friends, 
The power of God, the Gift of Tongues we have as missionaries is Real. We can have that power, we can develop and increase that power. The spirit carried the message that our Ami needed to hear. I testify to you that If you worry too much about being perfect, you will never be perfect. But if you let yourself say what the spirit wants you to say, Even if it's not perfect then you will succeed.
This experience has been one of the best so far. I should never be scared of speaking or teaching en francais. Especially now because I know what I'm capable of.

Tuesdays are officially my favorite days here at the MTC (other than PDAYS). 1. Its TRC day 2. Its devotional days. The devotionals are awesome. I honestly think they are better than Sunday Devotionals. 
I'll tell you all about them but I honestly forgot what one of my favorite talks were even about😂😭 And I dont have my notes with me to remind me of it! Theres so much going on here at the MTC it's hard for me to remember what I did the past week. 

Temple is closed till next month so no temple on Pdays for a while. 
This Sunday is Christmas program. I have to give a talk. So that's what I've been preparing for today. 

Wednesday I had the opportunity to Host new missionaries coming in. A little under 600 missionaries arrived and only 130 ish missionaries were able to host. Busy. Busy. Busy. I hosted 14 Sister missionaries. I was able to see them say their last goodbyes to their families. I might've even cried with them.... :,)
It was such a cool experience.
Wednesdays are awesome. The MTC is filled with excitement. Everyone can feel the emotions of all the new missionaries coming in. 

Ma famille et les ami, 
I love you all. I hope during this Christmas Season you are able to feel the love of Our Savior and that your heart and minds will be turned towards Him. Be safe, continue to send me emails! I love them! 

Bon nui,

Sœur Tupuola

(Also, I apologize if you weren't able to get my emails the last 2 weeks. Getting emails took a bit longer than I thought it would.) 

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