Elder Iohani Wolfgramm Email #34

by - January 25, 2020

Wolfgramm, Iohani Christian

This week has been good. With trying to find as many people to teach, to following up with past investigators, I'd say it was a successful week. One person we visited, Ramon, just needs to quit smoking and he can get baptized! and he said he wants to do all he can to be married civilly so he can be sealed in the Temple, but for now we are trying our best to work with our ward leaders to fellow ship him and prepare him for that special opportunity.
I guess you can call that my miracle for this week :) Any ways, my family in Arizona are doing fine , jl, I'm curious to see how that will be when I return. . Also, I'm really loving this area although it is very small, I know the Lord called me here for a reason.
For me, there are some days I struggle, nevertheless , I know in whom I've trusted, The Lord Jesus Chhrist hasd always been there for me, and I'm honestly giving the 100% of me that I can to Him!!

Well I Love you all :) 2 Nephi 30-33

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