Baby Nahinu Naeole

by - April 05, 2020


My darling nephew, Nahinu. We have been waiting for you for a long time. I know I have. About a year before you were born, I had a dream of you. Yes, you! In my dream you came to be while I was sitting at a park where there were a lot of little kids playing at the playground. You saw me sitting on a bench near by and you called out to me saying "Aunty Nini!". To my surprise, I knew who you were right away, my nephew. But I wasn't sure which of my siblings that you were their child. As you were running towards me, my heart was filled with joy that I started to cry. To my astonishment, you were tall in my dream. With a warm and big smile like your uncle Henry. When you began to talk to me, your smile turned into a frown. Then you said, " Aunty Nini, please tell my mommy don't forget about me. I'm waiting for her and my dad. Please aunty tell my mom that I am waiting for her and don't forget about me." My heart sank to the floor of his plea. I asked him, who is your mom? And before you could answer, I heard in my head a voice that said "Jerica. That's his mother." Then I blurted out my sisters name Jerica. You smiled again, gave me a hug and ran back to the playground to play with the other kids. Soon after I woke up. That is my dream about you before you were born. Oh and I did tell your mom about the dream which she giggled and said well shall see. About 6 or 7 months after my dream of you, your mom called me and said that she was pregnant. I knew you were on your way.

Nahinu, my precious nephew, I wanted to express my love for you. Being the only boy in your family and only nephew in our immediate family, you are special. Me, uncle Mika, Aunty Nita and Uncle Henry don't have kids and you are our precious jewel. I am thankful that you were in heaven with your Mima, my mom, hanging out and preparing you to come to earth, to receive many wonderful learning experience and blessings. Nahinu, as you live your life, watch out for the negative and evil things that will test and tempt you. Pray fervently unto the Lord that he may be your shinning light and protection daily. Do not focus too much on the things of the world, rather focus on the things of God and of Heaven. Shaping your mind, heart, body and spirit in the things of Heaven, it will become your greatest weapon again the power of the Adversary. Trust in the Lord in all that you do. Learn the ways and keys of the Holy Melchizedek priesthood and the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Search the scriptures with dedication and determination. That you may learn how to be as the Apostles and Prophets of Old. Be mindful of your family and those around you. Be a good example into them that they may enjoy your presence and your spirit. As you live your life in service and being one with God, you will see the miracles that will bless the lives of many, even those in your family. Please take good care of yourself as you grow up. Express your love, appreciation, respect and care for your parents, sisters, family and others. I know that you will be an amazing young man, a man of faith like your Mima Lynn. May the Lord be you always.


Aunty JayLynn

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