Influenster #OlayAtWalmart review

by - August 14, 2017

I've used this Brand for years and when they made more scents I was excited to give it a try. There are a few of their skin care products that made it on my Top 5 items that I've used daily and love. 
As you can tell this is all about their Body wash. This is not your typical body wash product. It's really moisturizing during and after the wash. Haven't notice any bad dryness on my skin with this product but I did notice that the hydration from the body wash did last long I would say about a good 8 hours. Adding a little bit of product on your loofa will go along way. I usually just squeeze lightly with one pump and I'm good. Lathering it up on the loofa with the small amount of product will extend your wash time. I did enjoy that extra time in the shower. lol
Depending on the scent, some of fragrance  could be more stronger  than others. So just a heads up. Other than that, I really do enjoy this product. I'm a fan for life and I honestly recommend this to anyone who hasn't tried it or wants to. Not everyone is going to like or agree with my thoughts on some product that I may review, but I do honestly respect their opinions as long as they respect mines.
This is my honest opinion and I stand by it 100%. I'm not sponsored by this Brand nor am I getting paid by anyone affiliated by this Brand. 
Writing a review on certain product isn't my forte but I'm willing to express my thoughts if I'm given the chance to.

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