Sister Alema Atuaia email: Brown Spice 😂🤎

by - September 16, 2024

 Long time no write fam,

First, lemme shoutout Nessa because she been telling me i need to do that since she sent me good music ahaha. 🙄😅 Anyways, I ain't for the writing emails but lemme humble myself cuz it ain't about me, it's about the work of the Lord. PERIODT 🙏🏽 And the last email I wrote, I just sent to my mama and siblings lol. So here's some updates since I last emailed all yall lol.

As you can see from the subject title, I've been called some new names since then...

Besides Chinese, I've been called Ice Spice as well because my hair and skin tone bruh AYOOOO 💀🤣 Then some other dude called me, "Chocolate babygirl" BOY BYE 👋🏽 Then after me and my companion did our rap video shanishani, one of the YSA members been calling me "Brown Spice" 😂.

Other than that, is hell hot? Shoot idk, but it's hot as hell right now... Y'all SO sorry, I just don't know how to explain it other than it's plainly hot as hell out here 💯 It's not even officially Summer season here until October, but yeah don't play around with Africa. It's hot and I got my headband pulling my hair outta my face and showing my 5head, and I simply don't care because how can one look cute out here in this weather? And who are people even trying look cute for? Girl bye ahaha Yeah no, but I have to look somewhat decent because I am representing the Lordt y'all so Godspeed to me and anyone who serves in missions where it's BURNING HOT 🔥.

Besides that, the Lord's work continues. The Book of Mormon is THE MOST LIFE-CHANGING book on this Earth. It took me this long, and even to come on a mission, to read this book. I'm almost done and invite yall to read it if you have never read it, and even if you've read it, read it again. 💯 I promise you'll feel the unconditional love our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ have for all of us. And you'll know the truth of the doctrine of Christ and how it changes lives for the better. 😊

Other than that, we got transfer news this past Saturday. 😆 I will be leaving the Libala Zone and Libala District that I've been in these past two transfers here on mission. I'll also be leaving Sister Katoa as she will be staying here in Libala and training again, one of the new sisters that came in. 🫶🏽 I will not only miss my compa, and other missionaries still staying in this District, but I'll miss the people we teach. Especially those we've baptized and the members in our areas. 🥹 I love them all frfr.

I've been transferred to the Ndola District in the Ndola Zone. This is in the Copperbelt area of Zambia so I'll be leaving Lusaka area. I'll be on an 7ish, 8ish bus hour ride all the way to Copperbelt, which is guess what? EVEN MORE HOTTER THAN LUSAKA AREA. 🥹🤣🤣🤣 They said it's because the shanishani is closer to the Equator or sumn like that? YOHHH I ain't ready, but the Lord wants me there so imma be as ready as I can be ahaha. No fefe girl, no fefe. 😬😂

Anyways, love you all and here's some pics 📸 

Shoutout my mom for being my sweet tooth plug. Yeah I ate all this in 5 days. 🤣 A bag per day. I should have diabetes like FRFR.

Me and my compa with some girlies from Chilenje. ❤️ They were so cute and nice. They just came up to us and started talking story and asking us all these questions.😂

Us with some of the members in our ward during Stake Conference. They are all preparing to serve their missions. 🙏🏽 ESKEDITTT

All the Polynesian Sisters in the Lusaka Zone and Libala Zone. From L to R: Sister Pepa (Tonga), Sister Latu (Tonga), Sister Katoa (California), Sister Mahe (Tonga), Me (Happy Valley babyyy), & Sister Alofipo (Samoa) #TokoUsoGangGang 🇹🇴x🇼🇸

Sister Atuaia × Sister Katoa = the Plastic Tongans 🤣 They call us plastic bruh and yeah, periodt boo. Ahahaha

Us at KFC 🍗 And after some drunk guy tried to get at us and I was this close 👌 to knocking him out and being sent back home 😁🤣

Brown Spice 😌✨️ ... 🤣🤣🤣

Sister Katoa: "companion, look it's you"

AHAHAHA she knows me so well at this point. 😂

Me & Elder Kikobo (Democratic Republic of Congo). A homie fr ahaha 😂

Us with one of our Zone Leaders, Elder Mothibedi (Botswana). This Elder bro 🤣 one of a kind LOL. His English don't be Englishing sometimes so I be telling him straight up like, "idk what you're saying" ahaha

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