Elder Grant Wolfgramm Email #11

by - September 25, 2016

Iga sibwe tabwe Deus me Yesus Kristus me Espirtus Santus sibwe mwel gassi mela ye yetor siyal!! Translation: If we follow God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost we all can recieve eternal life! And I know that if we all will follow we can recieve these things! Anyways life has been good out here in Yap we are doing something new we haven't really done in the all the time I have been here we are actually teaching in Tamil know if you don't already know my companion and I are outer island speakers meaning we really don't know much Yapese but yupp we feel as if we need to open this area because the truth of the matter is we live in Tamil which is a Yapese area but we were hardly ever spend any time proselyting there and well it all started because right know we don't have our car so we can't really go to all the outer island villages because they are further away but there are souls that are ready here every time we walk around the promptings from the Holy Ghost guide us to houses or paths we have never before seen! And I feel as if the Lord has many people prepared here it feels wonderful and so yeah that what we have been doing is exploring the area of Tamil in my mission so far! We actually had this really good lesson with this Yapese guy who actually came to us a couple days before and told us to stop by his house if we ever needed water or anything so thats exactly what we did and we had a great lesson with him and as we closed with a prayer and were leaving we heard him say "Thanks I needed that..." and I know that maybe this man is prepared to hear our message we are still working with him and yeah this may turn into another soul being saved! I love this work it can be challenging and tough but with the Lord anything is possible... I also had a talk in church on Sacrifice and I shared one of Great Grandpa Iohani's stories and I know that he is with me and that my ancestors are watching over me... Well anyways just want to let everyone know I love yallz and that I will continue to work so that I can the missionary the Lord needs me to be! In my language I say "Samol bwe mel Idem..." or  Lord be with you...

Much Love,
Elder Wolfgramm

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