Elder Grant Wolfgramm Email #22

by - March 19, 2017

Dear Everyone! So this week has been full of some interesting things... So from Monday until Tuesday night I was in Guam with the Zone Leaders which was fun on Monday we played some dodgeball which was lots of fun and also I went with Elder Malupo an Elder straight from Tonga and had an amazing time going out teaching with him it started with us going out into a Apartment Complex doing some finding and Elder Malupo starts talking with this lady in Chuukese (he learned Chuukese while he served in Chuuk) but yeah and than a man comes up and we start talking to him and yeah basically we talked for a couple minutes and than Elder Malupo asks "Are you available right now to meet up?" He says "Yeah follow me to my apartment!" So we do and when we get there we meet his wife and we go right into a lesson but before he tells us his life story about how he wasn't such a good guy and than Elder Malupo goes starts bearing his testimony about the gospel and afterwards when we ask for a return appointment he gives us his schedule and all his numbers... It was amazing and than right after Elder Malupo and I were about to head out we see this guy in the corner sitting on a chair and we walk by and Elder Malupo just turns to me and says "Ohhh man the Spirit is telling me we need to talk to that guy so we turn around go talk to him... And we end out finding out about how he actually doesn't have a home and is living on the street but he than said he knew God really did care for him because we came back and talked to him... It was awesome but yeah the rest of the week we flew back to Yap on Tuesday night and I got back in my area with Elder Emor and we are doing super well we actually had an investigator come with us to church it was awesome and than had a good lesson with a man named Andres (Andrew) about the Restoration we had actually given him a Restoration pamphlet the day before and he had read the whole thing and highlighted what he had questions on... It was a great lesson of understanding and learning... And while we were teaching him a thought came into my mind and it was like "I love this man..." It was interesting just barely meeting him but already feeling the love that God has for him... But anyways that was my week it was pretty awesome and I hope to continue to work hard and find new people who need to hear the Gospel! Iwe gammi gaisagashigashig sibwemwash weri fengan rel Monday yebe le butago Iwe gang i gashangigammi ila ngoa!!

Much Love,
Elder Wolfgramm

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