Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #24

by - February 19, 2018

Happy 7 Months! its a beautiful snowy day here in Fallon! This week is so fun! 

Zone Conference! 
We got to travel with the Hermanas down to Carson City for Zone Conference! We had trainings from our mission president on using technology! I am excited to be able to have a smartphone! and to learn how to use technology for good! We also had trainings on how to better teach as missionaries which really helped. I was happy to see my trainer, Sister Murdock at Zone Conference!! It was so food to catch up with her! She goes home in 2 months!! 

We went on another exchange this week! I got to serve a day with Hermana Ortiz who lives in South Salt Lake, but she grew up in Mexico. She didn't speak english when she started her mission (a year ago), but her english is awesome! She is teaching me Spanish and Im teaching her English. (Ive realized that English is hard to teach)  We had so much fun! We taught Jimmy more about the importance of the Book of Mormon. We also taught what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is and how important it is to live it. He came to church on Sunday and met with Bishop asking if he could get baptized! He is on Parole for murder so the process will take a year. Our goal is to help him gain his own testimony and prepare him for when he gets baptized. 

The Pascales are a less active family in our ward. The parents are not members. They both have an addiction with smoking. The Mother, Sarah told us that she is trying so hard to quit smoking so that she can live to see her grandkids. She said she has tried everything to quit. She has 5 kids who are all baptized. (ages 18-8) We had dinner with them and we shared 2 Nephi 21:20. We invited them to Press forward with a steadfastness in Christ. We bore our testimonies that Christ is who they need to go to to help them. It will be easier to overcome our addictions with Christ! 

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