Sister Nadira Tupuola Email #22

by - February 05, 2018

Hello Family! 
I can't tell you how grateful I am to be serving a mission right now! Thank you all for helping me be where I am. I LOVE Fallon and everyone in it! This week was great! and the weather is beautiful! It already feels like summer!

We got a referral from one of the youth in our ward. Her name is Becca and she is 19 years old. Her family claims to be Atheist and does not approve her meeting with us. But Becca has a lot of LDS friends and wants to learn more about our church. We had an awesome lesson with Becca at our bishops home. We taught her the Restoration and she loved it! She said she felt good during the lesson and we told her that the good feeling is the Holy Spirit. She didn't want to stop talking about the gospel. She is excited for us to continue teaching her! The Lord has definitley been preparing her to hear the message of the gospel! 

Yesslith Family
The Yesslith family are Native American (Shoshone tribe) and they live out on the Reservation. They have been members of the church all of their life but they are Less Active. We had Family Home Evening with them on Monday and the Vaa'ivakas came with us. Brother and Sister Yesslith have a goal to go to the temple but the only thing that is holding them back is tithing. We talked about the importance of paying tithing and the Vaa'ivakas bore powerful testimony about their experiences in Tonga living off of $2 every week to support their family. But they made the sacrafice to put God first and pay tithing and they were able to feed their kids on what they had. The spirit was so strong and the Yesslith family said they would pay their tithing to go to the temple. They are an awesome couple with strong testimonies of this gospel! 

I got my name tag in TONGAN!! 

SIster Vaa'ivaka brought us lunch! Indian Frye Bread!! It was so good! 

Sister Kitchen has had 4 flat tires in the month of January! haha

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