Shreaded Pork Roast for Dinner

by - February 01, 2023


While I thinking about what to make for Breakfast this morning, I also thought about what to make for dinner, since it is Wednesday and Baba would come to bring some food. I remembered that I left the pork roast in the frig to defrost, thats when I preped it in the crock pot to slow cook for tonight. Fastforward to 3pm and it was ready and done. The only thing left to cook was the rice and veggies. So when it was closer to when Henry was going to arrive, I started cooking the remaining dishes and clean my kitchen. The meal was a success. The guys liked it and I was glad, since I still can't fully taste certain foods, but I am hopeful it will come back to me. Thank goodness it wasn't salty but just right. Well have a wonderful evening wherever you are!

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