Chicken Soup for Dinner

by - February 22, 2023


I have a ton of veggies and a pack of chicken breast that I wanted to make a soup during this winter storm. Since we can't get out of our place, I am thankful to have listen to the Holy Spirit yesterday, before the storm to fill up my car with gas, get some essential groceries to hold us up for the week. And now I am making soup to keep us warm and toasty tonight. I copped and boiled the potatoes, carrots and celery with chicken broth while I was frying up the chicken with garlic, onions and seasoning. This took about 45-60 minutes to prepare and cook. It turned out great and delicious. Majority of what I cook is an eyeball measuring and taste as I go kind of cooking. I guess I get that from my mom, especially the way she cook. I hope everyone that is impacted by the snow is safe and warm. Be safe everyone, wherever you may be.

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