Elder Maikeli C Wolfgramm email: I'm back home!! (Uiha/Felemea😅)

by - September 22, 2024

 Malo etau lava, Kainga ofeina! Mou fefe? 

My bad it's been awhile since I've sent one of these but just thought I'd send an update! 3 weeks later of waiting for my new comp to come and return to my area, I'm finally back home to my island Uiha/ Felemea😌! 3 weeks ago the transfer started and if you know this mission, it isn't the most organized. I was a bit bummed because I was hoping to be with Aiono a bit longer! Unfortunately we got news that hed be getting transferred to another island "Vavau" and I would be staying Uiha! He's forsure one of those comps that I will be friends with for life. Seriously could not say a bad thing about that guy. We had a nice goodbye and we were able to give each other a blessing, something I wanted to pass on from my trainer before I finished training. I am grateful for the brotherhood this mission has. I really could not complain about any of my past companions that I've had. Anyways as soon as we found out we went to Pangai (the main island in Haapai) just to wait a whole week before Aiono could take a flight to Vavau! I ended up being there 2 weeks longer and maan probably the slowest the mission has felt! If you know me I like to work and not waste time. I was a bit frustrated because everey day I'd wake up thinking my comp would come but like I said this mission is not so organized. Lol ofa atu Prez. I also  had stuff planned in Uiha during the time I was gone and the Elders I was waiting with in Pangai didn't have much going on in their area. Also they aren't that close with the members as we are in Uiha so it just felt super slow. Although I did I try and make the most of my time there, wether that meant just reading scriptures all day!! I really do enjoy reading the Book of Mormon every day, especially in the Tongan language. It's like I'm reading it from a whole different perspective. I don't care wether someone told me this book is true or not it has changed my life and pushed me closer to my Savior, Jesus Christ, everyday!! For this reason I have a strong desire to share with other's to read it. With that said it was nice being able to be with a couple different Elders the time I was there, get to know the members on the main island. I also was able to perform a baptism for the sisters there and that was very neat. Last Saturday my new companion finally arrived  on a plane and I was so happy to go back to Uiha! We found a boat that evening and the minute we got back I've felt so at home 😌. I'm excited to work with my new comp Elder Levatau he is from Lehi Utah! Actually from the same ward as my cousins (Tupuolas) so it's cool to have some mutuals! He's only been out since July so he's a little new to the Mish! Hopefully I can be a help to him as he is still new and learning! Saturday we had a nice welcome back, our members were very happy to see us back! I knew I was back in Felemea cause that same night was a 1 year old birthday party and we had Tunu puaka as well as other good eats, cake and ice cream haha! Yesterday was Sunday and it was a very beautiful sacrement meeting in Felemea. The spirit is always so strong in that chapel as it is very small but beautiful and also the loudest singing. Since I got here I have seen soo much change in the Felemea Branch. From my first couple Sundays it was maybe 10-15 or so members every Sunday. A little over a month ago a member was called to be new branch president "Sione Masima". Sione Masima and his wife have treated me and my companion literally like their own kids. Every time we go over they always make sure we are fed otherwise Tema will cook something. Tema is always checking up on us wether there is anything we need.  I am so grateful for the people like them. Yesterday there was 38 members at church. It is so special to see the members being strengthened literally in front of your eyes! I am excited to continue the work here in Uiha/Felemea. I love this place, the people and the work so much. Miss you all a lot. Ofa atu kimoutolu- Elder Wolfgramm

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