Up late again...trying to find and preserve any past memories

by - September 20, 2024


I am going through old tapes, 8mm, DVD, CD's and old emails to find any videos of past memories to preserve online. Putting up whatever I already have, I thought would be find, but for odd reason, something is telling me to keep looking and post whatever I do find that is decent. If only my external hard drive didn't crash 6 years ago, I would be posting more old files. But I can't. So I am talking the time while I still have the means to get it done. Who knows what is going to happen in the near future, but I want to follow the prompting to upload as much as I can. Even bad quality videos, I am posting it. Hopefully Mika's mom would let me upload some Jets stuff she may have. We will visit with her sometime this month. Anyways, I better get back to my research and editing. Have a wonderful autumn evening wherever you maybe.

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