Disney World Date Night w/Mika

by - June 11, 2002

Staying in Florida for the summer has been quite fun. Hanging out with Mika and getting to know his family, I sometimes forget that I have family here too. Well family I really don't know but will eventually meet one day. So this past week I meet my mother's 2nd cousin from her mothers side. Don't ask me what the connection is, I was just told who he is and the little information on family tree history. My mom told me that her cousin found out that I was here visiting and wanted me to at least visit Disney World. So he got me 4 tickets to go to Epcot. Of course I was taking Mika but also his cousin Ashton and his girlfriend Kelly. Let's just say double dating was fun and worth getting out of the Lake House for once. We went on a few rides, walked a lot and ate a few good snacks along the way. Afterwards we went to CityWalk in downtown Orlando just to check out the scene and maybe go dancing. Everything went well and I had a ton of fun with Mika, Ashton & Kelly. I hope we get to go out more as a group cause it was fun being adult like in a kiddie environment. Disney World was a ton a fun and I would recommend it to whoever wants to visit. This really makes me miss my family more because we've always wanted to go to Disney growing up. One day I hope to enjoy my family's company at Disney Land or World.

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