Baby Seth Wolfgramm

by - October 13, 2007

It was nice to have a baby in our home once in a while...well today we got to watch our little nephew Seth as his parents had to work. Let's just say it took baby seth some time to get use to us. Babysitting isn't always easy but its worth the experience. we went for a nice walk around Temple Square since it was a nice day. Well he liked it very much until we got back home. Mika was his buddy throughout the night.hehehe Babies are awesome!
Dearest Seth,
Life will teach you so many interesting things that will influence your decisions to do good or bad. Learn through those experiences so that you can be strengthened and smarter. Dont let the negativity of this world define who you are. Be bold in word and deed. Strengthen your spirit by studying the scriptures and words of the Prophets with a humble heart. Come unto Christ with all the energy in your being. Build a strong relationship with our Heavenly Father and the Savior Jesus Christ, to experience a life with peace and understanding. May the Lord bless you always.
Much love and care.
Aunty JayLynn

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