Meeting my High School Best Friend and her Family

by - July 24, 2015

Brooke and I have been friends since the 8th grade and we've had our typical friendship ups and downs. But one thing that we've always promise was to be there for each other when we get older. Well time went on after graduation, we went to different colleges, got married and lived in different states. Finally she moved to Utah where majority of her family lives and we wanted to meet up after a little over 8 years since the last time we saw each other. I met her husband Brock, her daughter Alexis and her baby boy RJ. Mika finally met her after hearing so much stories about us he could put a face to the person who was a big impact to my high school life. Brooke's kids are so adorable and right off the bat they liked me as if they already knew who I was. Alexis wanted me to go with her to the play ground and only wanted me to be by her, not her mommy which Brooke was surprised that Alexis acted that way since she never did that towards anyone. We spent a few hours chilling around my neighborhood and I'd enjoyed hold baby RJ. What a cutie he is. I was amaze how he liked me and smiled every time I would call his name. Cute kids. It was a happy day for me and for my bff Brookie (Nick name I would call her in High School)
Now we can finally say that we live in the same state and can visit one another anytime. I'm glad that we made this choice to meet up and talk about everything we left off in high school. 
It was time to go and we said our goodbyes in hoping to see each other again. I pray for their safety back to Logan, UT which is 2 hours away from Salt Lake. It's been fun and well worth every moment.

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