Elder Grant Wolfgramm Email #3

by - July 17, 2016

Meta koffmi? I hope you are doing great it has been a funny week this week... So it starts off with monday we went and had a barbecue with some investigators and some members and that was a lot of fun we ate mango, bananna, chicken, crab, taro, breadfruit, and some local beer... haha just kidding you really think I drink that crap lol it was cocunuts that's just the islanders slang for it. I do got say I love the food it is amazing and yes it does remind me a lot of polynesian food. But yeah this week did have a bit of a downer and it was when we had one of our investigators have her  Baptismal Interview because she was supposed to be baptized this last Saturday she was straight up chewing betelnut and if you don't know what that is it's a nut that is grown on a tree here and it actually can be grown anywhere it is tropical what people do is they get the betelnut put in a tobacco leaf and lime and this isn't the lime you know it's coral that is grinded up and is actually poisonous and they put it in their mouth and let it swirl around afterwards they spit it out and it leaves their teeth red... so if you think about it they are throwing poison in their mouth just so they can get a high off of it... Yeah it really is just plain stupid but hey its a real problem here. But back to the story she was chewing betelnut during the interview and afterwards we asked her if she was and she said in Ulithian "Yupp" and than we asked her if she even wanted to be baptized and she said she didn't know anymore. And that really hurt us... but hey you know everyone has their time though it sucks but I guess you could say that this is the first time I experienced something like that.
     On the other hand, we are know teaching three brothers their names are JV, Jehu, and Slayton and they are one of the best things so what happned was we were originally only teaching JV and Jehu but than their youngest brother was actually just listening in on one of our lessons and afterwards was looking through one of our books that had a bunch a pictures in it he was looking through the Bible pictures and he knew what they all were but than we came to the Book of Mormon pictures and I got to explain some of the stories of the Book of Mormon using those pictures. Than right before we were leaving he asked us if we were coming back tomorrow and we said yes he than said "Good! I want to learn too!" And the next day we taught all of them and throughout the week everytime we finished a lesson they always ask us excitedly "Are you guys coming back tomorrow?" I truly love those brothers they are awesome and I love teaching them... Also it's funny one day I went there and there was a bunch of kids there and they always speak to me in Woleaian and I try my best to understand and talk back but I have a hard time so they usually all gather around me and than they teach me all these different words and since they are young if I say it wrong they straight up laugh at and say "That's wrong!!" It is hilarious and actually those kids teach me a lot of things and they are always helping me and someone later told me that the best way to learn is to talk with the kids... Anyways my favorite thing of all week was when we met with this family who my companion had known a very little bit about and when we taught both me and my companion poured our hearts out to them as we bore our testimonies to them and we knew the spirit was there we felt it and we knew they did too... That lesson is the kind of lesson I am out here for to feel so much love for someone we had only just met it was amazing! Well I just want say go sa gashigasig (thank you) to everyone who is supporting me I love you all and I hope to carry the Wolfgramm name well! Ilanga (Goodbye) until next monday much love to all yallz! 
 Elder Wolfgramm

P.S. Sorry I didn't get any photos this week I always forget to but don't worry I will this week!!

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